Why body-worn cameras are a good idea
At Pinnacle Response we believe the case for body-worn cameras to be compelling and sound. As a company we have rigorously interrogated the ethical and commercial legitimacy of the concept; we are certain that their deployment across an increasing number of security and enforcement sectors is valid.
We monitor the industry, legislation and our client's changing needs very closely and are attuned to the multifarious debates over their use. These debates have validity certainly, and credible concerns have been raised in the main over privacy rights. We are minded that Home Office guidance does caution towards proportionate, effective and compliant use.
At Pinnacle our objective is very clear; to design and manufacture superior hardware that protects and supports the professional. Pinnacle have led from the front with personal-issue video cameras since 2007 and our research and experience gives us an authoritative platform from which to champion the case for their use. Bolstered by findings from recent US and UK trials, we have identified twelve key reasons why relevant organisations and employers should consider body-worn cameras for their personnel.
Twelve Reasons Why Body-worn Cameras are a Good Idea
- Protection; Supports the lone worker or enforcement officer, promotes confidence and provides a tangible backup in confrontational situations.
- Deterrent; encourages compliance and prosocial behaviour through self-awareness and cognisance of implicit consequences.
- Deescalation; verbal articulation that recording has commenced often prompts modified behaviour by both parties that deescalates a situation.
- Safety; reduces verbal and physical attacks on workers.
- Transparency; contributes significantly to the drive for transparency and accountability at the public interface.
- Accuracy; provides verifiable audio/video reporting including an overview of the scene, time-stamp, verbal exchanges, sequence of events and valuable first-account witness statements.
- Time-saving; minimises lengthy descriptive reports and paperwork.
- Evidence; footage from body-worn video devices is admissible throughout the judicial chain.
- Accelerates the judicial process; increases prosecutions and early guilty pleas.
- Reduces complaints; members of the public are less likely to make spurious complaints against workers.
- Reduces absenteeism; all the above improve worker health and safety, working conditions and promotes mental well-being in vulnerable staff.
- Saves time and money; the combined benefits of body-worn video contribute to efficient workflow and cost-saving.